
James Swineson




——李敖在北大的演讲(via 李敖北京大学演讲(未删版)

Freedom of speech is the political right to communicate one's opinions and ideas using one's body and property to anyone who is willing to receive them. ——Wikipedia(Freedom of speech

The "responsible-disclosure" debate is about "free-speech", where some try to use the hammer of "ethical behavior" to control speech. Last night I tweeted a line of code from the OpenSSL source code that demonstrates a hilariously funny bug. I was attacked for my speech from OpenSSL defenders who want me to quietly submit bug patches rather than making OpenSSL look bad on Twitter.

That's why so many of us oppose the idea of "responsible-disclosure" -- the principle of "free-speech" means "free-disclosure". If you've found a vulnerability, keep it secret, sell it, notify the vendor, notify the press, do whatever the heck you want to do with it. Only "free-disclosure" advances security -- "responsible" disclosure that tries to control the process holds back security. ——Errata Security: xkcd is wrong about "free speech"




匿名类应用让每个人释放心底的恶念,盒子打开,魔鬼出来。他人即地狱,每个人也是自己的地狱。如同身陷黑暗森林:你置身于一座黑暗森林,每个用户都是匿名的猎人,你必须小心,因为这里到处都有与他一样潜行的猎人。千万不要暴露,如果他们发现值得注意的目标,不管是不是所谓的朋友,他们毫不犹豫的开枪:抹黑,攻击,嘲讽,谩骂…——Fenng(via 匿名应用即地狱



——Github(GitHub 路 Build software better, together.

Only offenders can stop re-offending. ——User Voice | Only Offenders Can Stop Re-Offending

单纯为了增加用户之间互动和联系的 SNS 化会毁掉任何一个严肃的互联网服务。——朱焕杰

发布于2014-04-19 12:30
编辑于2014-04-19 13:37
